Tag Archives: turning 40

Four O.

Three auspicious things going on today. It is Chinese New Year, and the Year of the OX at that, it is Australia Day, so that means lots of BBQs on the beach in OZ and it is my dear friend Clare’s 40th and that means a big O.  That is an interesting thing, especially because the biggest O of them all is the Oh nO! It is me next! I am turning 4O

This will probably become a common theme in the weeks and not so many months ahead. I am trying hard to embrace this fact. Of course, I do not mean, by embracing, anything to do with letting the hair go grey and letting it all hang out. No.  I mean the 40 is the new 30, it is the best time of your life thing. Hmmmmm.


But if my friend Clare can do it with such panache; she had flown down here to Trinidad from a chilly NYC to celebrate (see the “celebrate” instead of “commiserate”?) the big day, she has two yummy daughters, a lovely Swedish, marathoner, diplomat husband and a gorgeous pregnant belly. She is also lovely, and has been like a sister to me since I was 11. If she can throw 40 together, toss it up in the air and catch the confetti,  then I can too.



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Filed under How old am I?, Sisterhood